DHL sorting center in Poznań hits new record
July 2024

InnovAfrica Consortium Meeting
June 2021
For KIAG, together with its partners, the focus is on documenting the numerous results and findings. These are now gradually being processed for the Knowledge Platform ( and published hereon and thus made available to farmers, extension officers, scientists and other interested parties. Readers can learn about techniques for cultivating brachiaria grass as livestock forage, food crop production systems and other relevant aspects that need to be considered such as household’s needs and the structure of value chains.

InnovAfrica Farmer Manuals
April 2021
Based on the project results and the scientific findings of the InnovAfrica project, concrete guidelines for (small) farmers and extension officers have now been developed as farmer manuals.

Business Impact Profile for DEG
July 2020
DEG, a subsidiary of KfW, is a financing partner of private-sector companies operating in developing and emerging countries. DEG provides long-term financing and promotional programmes, and advises the companies as they implement their investments.
KIAG has developed an innovative tool enabling DEG to provide their partners with impact data in a rich visual presentation, allowing them to easily analyse the data.
Web links about DEG and the project:

KIAG creates the new website for „Antike am Königsplatz“
July 2020
The museums at Königsplatz in Munich – State Collections of Antiquities and Glyptothek – rank among the leading international museums for antique art.
Working closely with the director and the curators, KIAG has developed an entirely new website that puts the focus on the visitor. Enhancing the usability on mobile devices was another key aspect.
All important information for visiting the individual museums is clearly accessible on the home page. Included are an event calendar, the history of each museum and its collections, and a gallery presenting selected highlights.
The website also introduces an online shop offering publications and souvenirs as well as reproductions of several masterpieces from the museums‘ collections.
The website is accessible here:

Reaping the full benefits of business intelligence along agricultural supply chains
Based on the experience which comes with providing BI solutions over many years based on products like OBIEE, SAP BW or BI Cognos, we have implanted BI now also as a core component into our in-house WeTrace system. WeTrace-based traceability and data collection systems along agricultural value chains can now be analysed in state-of-the-art business intelligence software.
A direct connection of Microsoft’s PowerBI application to the WeTrace database allows us to analyse and visualize data in real-time and in a dynamic way showing the various interactions of data. Not only do we look at data through different glasses, but our customers become the champions of their own data, undertaking data analysis in an easy way based on their own ideas and preferences.
Data external to the WeTrace framework can be integrated in a data lake approach, enabling the customer to bring together data from different fields to gain integrated insights. We have recently also built PowerBI Dashboards which analyse crop product availability and fertilizer usage for selected farming communities in Vietnam.
The animation shown here highlights a dashboard showing production of different crops for selected farms.

GCP: Vietnamese coffee sector advances with sustainability monitoring
March 2020
Click here to read the article on the GCP website
The system behind this effort has been custom-built with our inhouse WeTrace framework for GCP.
We are proud to support coffee farmers in their respective countries for the sustainable production of good quality coffee.
Production of learning videos for replication of sustainable agriculture intensification in Sub-Saharan Africa
February 2020
KIAG partnered up with Agriculture and Research Council (ARC) in South Africa to create on-site farming demonstration videos which will help farmers to replicate innovative farming techniques. KIAG’s Project Manager ICT4D, Simon Striegel, travelled to Phuthaditjhaba in the Maluti-a-Phofung municipality in the Free State Province to meet farming communities who demonstrated best practices in mid- and small-scale bean and maize production – from planting to marketing. The videos will be made available on the InnovAfrica Knowledge Platform at shortly.

InnovAfrica Consortium Meeting in Lilongwe, Malawi
February 2020
As the InnovAfrica project has entered the last two years of its implementation, all project partners met in Lilongwe from 12 to 15 February to discuss project progress and the next steps of implementation. More detailed information on the meeting proceedings are available on the InnovAfrica website
In the coming months, KIAG together with project partners will focus on consolidating project results and research findings to generate knowledge that can be used and replicated by practitioners in the six African case countries. Techniques for sustainable agriculture intensification for forage-livestock systems and food crop production are promoted to improve food security in the small-scale farming context.
Photo: The InnovAfrica Consortium in Lilongwe, Malawi (copyright ILRI-BeCA)